Chairman’s Message

Mr. Subhasish Deshamukhya


Aryan Sr. Secondary School was established with a mission of imparting quality education among the students to make them fit for the competitive world. It was established in 2007 and within a few years it has produced a number of quality students who proved themselves in the challenging future.
The school was established initially with the two streams (Science& Arts). But with the increasing demand of the students & guardians, it has opened its Commerce stream also from the academic session 2014-15. I have the strong believe that this stream will also be producing the same quality students.

The secret behind the success of an Institution mainly depends on two factors-its vision and mission. Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. Aryan, with its vision clear & mission noble, has been steadily growing from one step to another. Today it is standing proudly in the map of outstanding schools of the valley.

II We strongly believe that the future of Aryan is bright II